Death and Suicide Cleaning

Death and Suicide Clean Up
Crisis Cleans provides discreet and reliable specialised cleaning services for any unattended death and suicide cleaning or traumatic event for both residential and commercial properties.
Our highly trained technicians have the right knowledge and the right equipment to ensure any biohazards, and odors caused by decomposition are safely and effectively removed, preventing long-term health risks to both property owners and occupants.
We ease your cleaning hassles
In the case of any death, suicide or unattended death clean up, the human body begins to decay only 15 minutes after the heart stops beating, and if left for day or weeks, widespread contamination will occur in the property including body fluid leaching into the flooring, walls, sub-flooring and furnishings. Additionally, an infestation of insects such as flies and cockroaches will occur and lay their eggs in and around the decomposing body that in turn, speeds up the decomposition process.
Many unattended death and suicide cleaning situations pose serious health risks to property owners and occupants, and the biohazard remediation technicians due to the potential exposure to blood borne pathogens. Exposure to blood borne viruses can occur due to direct contact with scratches and sores, accidental injury from biological waste, inhalation and exposure from blood or biological hazardous fluid to the eyes, nose or mouth.